June 2024

Try the Pomodoro Technique with Pomoglorbo

Try doing your Pomodoros with this CLI based timer written in Python

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February 2024

More systemd networking fun

What was once an elegant machine built up by the wisdom of thousands of volunteers is now a rusty bucket with holes; my Debian installation. As I have recently fixed my interface configuration I thought I was done solving my networking problems. On my local network, I rely on mDNS a lot, for both macOS as well as Debian. To ssh, mosh, and sync git annexes between computers, I use .

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January 2024

The one where I leave it to systemd-networkd

I like keeping my Debian 12 installation bare bones. Sometimes bare bones means accidentally disabling your only link to the outside world.

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January 2024

Finding my first bug in Hugo

Here are my notes on diagnosing a bug in Hugo. Hugo is the static site generator I use for this website.

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January 2024

fish and bash Variable Expansion

Some differences in how bash and fish expand variables

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June 2023

Adventures in Japanese Digital Transformation

This is about having a non-Japanese name living as an immigrant in Japan and trying to get a SIM card with UQ Mobile.

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May 2023

Using tmux with the X clipboard

Sometimes I would like to paste shell command invocations from my browser into my terminal and use bracketed pasting, i.e., pasting without running the command directly. Since I am running tmux (tmux 3.1c) inside of xterm, in an i3 and Xorg desktop environment, I also want to use the X clipboard. The X clipboard is used when copying text from the browser as well. Pasting things into tmux The X clipboard can be accessed through various commands, such as xsel and xclip.

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May 2023

ADS-B Aircraft Tracking at Home

Here’s a quick write up on how I was able to use my RTL-SDR V3 receiver to see aircraft flying above me using the dump1090 application, which FlightAware is maintaining in its current version. The RTL-SDR is a very cheap way to get started with software defined radios. Photo of RTL-SDR receiver which I have purchased Open in new tab (full image size 662 KiB) I have bought the RTL-SDR receiver in 2017 from a reseller on eBay.

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May 2023

Notes on: Marx, A Very Short Introduction

Today, I have finished reading Marx: A Very Short Introduction and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I purchased the 2018 edition, which even mentions hot topics such as the gig economy and its relation to Marx’s critique of capitalism. On the other hand, the book falls short of defining capitalism itself as a contrast to communism. The author Peter Singer thoroughly describes Marx’s philosophical background in Hegel and Ludwig Feuerbach. Then, he examines the emergence of historical materialism in Marx’s work.

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April 2023

BIOS Modifications, Proprietary Firmware, and Wi-Fi on my ThinkPad X220

In which I describe how I got an Intel wireless network controller running on Debian

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March 2023

This Time It's Different

With the recent hype around ChatGPT, GPT-4, and large language models in general, communities like Hacker News are breaking out into a this time it’s different doom and gloom.

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March 2023

Useful zsh Shortcuts

macOS Catalina introduced zsh as the default interactive shell. zsh is compatible with Bourne shell (sh) to a large degree and introduces many valuable extensions that make everyday productivity more pleasant. In this post, I list some shortcuts for the zsh line editor (also known as the command prompt) in its default configuration.

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February 2023

Software Development Ergonomics and RSI

Some rather intense keyboard clacking over the past years has resulted in me having to give my hands some time off work.

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February 2023

Installing netlify-cli on macOS Ventura with npm ci

If you’re like me, you love npm ci. A lot. Until that one fateful day.

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August 2020

Japanese conjugation, from two perspectives

Learning a language is different when learned as a native language or as a foreign language. We will illustrate this by taking a look at how Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) learners and Japanese as a native language (JNL) speakers learn about Japanese grammar.

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July 2020

Errors in J

For the past month I’ve been using the J programming language to solve Project Euler puzzles. The language makes many of the tasks that one would usually spend quite some time on, especially with multidimensional arrays, quite pleasant to work on.

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July 2020

Updates to my blog

I’ve taken some time to enhance my blog with two useful features:

I will cover how the two have been implemented.

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September 2019

Hakyll on Netlify

If you are like me, you are more busy switching between static site generators than actually writing posts for your blog.

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January 2019

Happy New Year, from Tokyo

On April 15 2018, I moved to Tokyo, Japan. I suppose that changed a few things in my life.

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May 2018

What Hackathons Teach About Making Products

I like hackathons. Hackathons are competitions that run over multiple days — typically a whole weekend — and in which the participants — programmers and designers — solve a challenge in order to win a prize. Typically, there are a few challenges that are all based around some theme — blockchains, sustainability, democracy, and so on.

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