April 2018

Updating Smart Contracts

As time goes on, smart contract requirements change. Often, a feature is added or a bug is found. But, once a smart contract has been deployed on the blockchain, it can’t be upgraded. The entire value proposition of a blockchain is immutability. Yet, in the real world, contracts change all the time. For example, a labor contract will change when new labor laws are introduced. Similarly, there are many circumstances under which smart contracts change as well, such as

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April 2018

Smart Contract Ownership

When building your smart contract platform — whether on Ethereum or any other blockchain — at some you’ll be faced with the question of ownership. In this article, I will explain three different types of smart contract ownership and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

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April 2018

ERC20 Token Allowances

Have you ever wondered how your users can spend ERC20 platform tokens to buy assets and other tokens from you? Or — in more technical terms — how to make sure a smart contract executes a particular function as soon as it receives tokens? This post is all about using ERC20 approve() and transferFrom() to allow your users to do much more than just keep tokens in a wallet.

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April 2018

3 Useful Python Code Patterns

Over the years I have found out how important it is to constantly challenge yourself. Coding is craftsmanship. A good craftsman will always try to improve the toolbox they use every day. Code patterns belong in any good toolbox.

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March 2018

Anatomy of a Token Platform

I had the tremendous privilege of speaking about creating sustainable token platforms at TokenSky 2018 in Seoul, Korea. Not only did I have a great time presenting some of the ideas that I’ve come across, I also encountered a lot of stimulating questions from individuals and companies all interested in enhancing their platform using some kind of blockchain token.

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March 2018

Designing a Better Web Analytics Platform

Not many things a business owner has to go through are as scrutinous and unpleasant as a data privacy audit.

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March 2018

The Four Phases of a Data Science Project

Imagine this: You’re pitching an idea for an interesting data science problem that you can solve for your client. The client is sold on the idea and wants to immediately know how fast you can get it done, and more importantly, what the project milestones will look like.

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February 2018

Memory Usage of Pandas Categoricals

A great method to improve memory usage of Pandas DataFrames is by converting columns with categorical variables to use the data type categorical.

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January 2018

Effective Data Science Notebooks

I believe that being a data scientist is about communication first, and data science second.

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December 2017

transform()ing Like a Pro in Pandas

The Pandas API surprises me with a new feature or method almost every day, and I have yet again discovered an interesting piece of functionality.

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December 2017

Aggregating in Pandas

The other day I caught myself writing one too many df.groupby() in Pandas, and thought to myself:

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December 2017

Scaling from Pandas to Dask

Scaling Pandas DataFrame aggregations can be quite tricky. I have had a very specific problem to solve that involved aggregates on group by expressions.

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July 2017

When to use C and when to use Python

I’ve now solved the first 15 Project Euler challenges in C. But then, I’ve hit a road block. Let me explain.

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June 2017

Sharpening my InfoSec tools

After a long time of being complacent with my skills, I thought I should up my InfoSec game. So far I’ve been mainly busy with figuring out how to enhance application security in my work. That means I learned how to

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June 2017

The difference between 大切、大事、重要

Let’s look at how 大切、大事、重要 are different. 大事 and 大切 Yep, both have the same meaning. Both mean 大事なアルバム This album is important (to me) 重要 This adjective serves to identify concepts as important in a context that transcends one’s own preference and identity. 重要なアルバム This album is important (in the history of music) Conclusion 大事 and 大切 come very close to the English word important. 重要 is about expressing importance in the context of something larger.

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June 2016

A brief UberRUSH overview and tutorial

Uber Rush provides cost-effective on-demand courier services. It is an exciting service that will allow companies to start delivering to local customers faster. Uber tries to make the process as easy as possible by providing an API which can be easily integrated into existing shop solutions and lets customers order cheap and easy shipping.

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April 2016

How to Replace Judges with Robots

The other day, I found out something real fun: Not all bike lanes in Germany need to be used! Since bike lanes are quite dreadful and not at all safe, I wanted to write a handy tool to show me when to use a bicycle lane and when not.

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December 2015

The Python 3 Statistics Module and Salaries

Python 3.4 introduced the statistics module. It contains helpful methods for determining basic statistical properties, such as mean, median and standard deviation of samples and populations.

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November 2015

Byte Histogram in Python 3

I had this curious thought the other day: what is the byte value distribution in binary files, such as an executable? Take for example /bin/echo on OS X 10.11.1.

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November 2015

You should get Packing with Python 3.5

The new Python 3.5 unpacking syntax makes a programmer’s life much easier.

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