November 2015

To avoid Robocallers, use Pandas

I found a really neat data source online on unwanted robocalls that the FCC (Federal Communications Commission, a United States government agency) has created and published openly. The data source provides times and dates of unwanted robocalls that consumers have reported to the FCC. We can use this data source to find out all kinds of things, but today we will be content with just finding out the time of the day households are most likely to receive robocalls.

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November 2015

Parsing S-expressions with Python 3

This is a simple s-expression parser written in Python 3. It understands symbols and numbers and uses tuples to represent the data internally.

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November 2015

Tuples vs Lists in Python 3

Creating tuples from generator expression is surprisingly fast.

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October 2015

Filtering Trees

Today we are going to look at how to filter items in tree data structures using Python 3. We are going to compare a stateful approach and a functional and recursive approach. In the end we will discuss the advantages of a functional implementation.

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October 2015

Exploring Python dis

As you might know, CPython, the most commonly used implementation of Python, uses a stack based virtual machine to run Python scripts.

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October 2015

Programmatically Accessing Cloud Photo APIs

This is a short evaluation on whether one can perform a series of basic tasks using the APIs that cloud photo services provide.

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September 2015

Using Async Functions in Python 3.5

With the new async syntax in Python 3.5, defining asynchronous functions has become a lot simpler. In this article, I will demonstrate a simple example for this new feature.

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September 2015

5 Ways to Filter Items in Python 3

Given a list items, that contains ints and None, produce a list that only contains the int values with their order of appearance preserved.

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September 2015

Who To Sue If Skype Spam Kills You

The other day I received this ominous message on Skype from an infected machine:

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